🇦🇱 “Kam zgjedhur të bëhem prokurore sepse besoj se figura e prokurorit përfaqëson më së miri figurën e një personi që lufton dhe kërkon zbatimin e ligjit, barazinë e të gjithëve para ligjit dhe respektimin e të drejtave të njeriut.” – Dorina Bejko, prokurore e SPAK.
Gjatë Muajit të Historisë së Gruas në mars, jemi krenarë të prezantojmë gra dhe vajza që po ndryshojnë botën dhe na frymëzojnë. Një prej tyre është Dorina Bejko, prokurore në Prokurorinë e Posaçme kundër Korrupsionit dhe Krimit të Organizuar (SPAK). Dëgjoni historinë e Dorinës si një grua prokurore në Shqipëri.
🇺🇸 “I chose to become a prosecutor because I believe that the image of a prosecutor best represents someone who fights for and seeks the enforcement of the law, the equality of everyone before the law and in respecting human rights.” – Dorina Bejko, SPAK prosecutor. For Women’s History Month in March, we are proud to highlight remarkable women who are improving our world and inspiring us. One of them is Dorina Bejko, prosecutor at the Special Prosecutor’s Office Against Corruption and Organized Crime (SPAK). Listen to Dorina’s story as a female prosecutor in Albania.
I am Dorina Bejko, a prosecutor at the Special Prosecutor’s Office Against Corruption and Organized Crime. I was raised by two wonderful parents who instilled in my sister and me the idea that education and freedom of choice should guide our lives. Probably because of the fact that my parents didn’t have the opportunity to choose or get a hifher education because of the dictatorial regime. I chose to become a prosecutor because I believe that the image of a prosecutor best represents someone who fights for and seeks the enforcement of the law, the equality of everyone before the law and in respecting human rights. Being a female prosecutor, in itself comes with prejudice and discrimination, of the kind that a female prosecutor is not as strong as a male one. For 14 years, I have served as a prosecutor in the Pogradec Prosecutor’s Office. The fact that I worked in the city where my relatives live has accompanied my professional career with difficulties and prejudices time after time. It hasn’t been easy for me to face defendants who were the parents of my children’s friends, the acquaintances of my relatives. To other women who are at the beginning of their careers, I would say to continue fighting for their dreams and not to give up.